One million Danes compares prices online – every month

  • Jon Lund 

Danes have eyes wide open when shopping on the Internet. Almost one million out of the five million strong population is drawn to dedicated price-comparison-sites – every month! This is among the main conclusions in my new report “The size and role of online price-comparison sites in Denmark”, published today.

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

To me this evidences the extend to which Danes have embraced the Internet. Shows how much the everyday business environment for Danish retail have actually changed, transcended by the powers of transparency.  It helps spell the message, written in capitol letters: “Since you can’t beat it,  join it”. At least if you’d like to get within range of that one million price-comparing shoppers out there.

My report shows the number of price comparing Danes have grown 48 percent for the past one and a half year. Also the intensity of usage of price comparison sites is shown to have increased by 20 percent.

Ikea, Idemøbler, og H&M

Unlike search engines like Google, Price comparison sites doesn’t crawl all products and prices available on the internet. To have your products and prices listed, you’ll have to buy yourself into the pricecomparison site in question. And it’s worth it, it seems.

At least this is what I get from the the data on how 200.000 users of the pricecomparison site used sites like, and Ikea. had three times the number of stopping by compared to market leader The difference? had their products listed, didn’t. Opposite to furniture, where marketleader – and price comparison enabled – beat up idemøbler.

Even if you’re not really competing on prices, I’d say you should get out there. Why? Because you wanna be where consumers start their journey. Waving your flag, eventually convincing some of them that you in a longer run have the best offer.

Download full report

Send, download and print. Price: 345 ddk/€45,50 (ex. VAT)

“The size and role of online price-comparison sites in Denmarkt” is in 13 pages and includes 5 illustrations.

To order the report, send an email to including your contact information with subject: “Buy Jon Lunds Price-comparison report”, and you’ll receice both report as pdf-file and the invoice.