Unemployed Danes excessive web-surfers

  • Jon Lund 

Unemployed Danes are engaged in excessive web-surfing. Once online, unemployed and early retireds spends thirty percent more time surfing the web. In particular they surf sites like Facebook, Youtube and gaming-sites. However they do have a problem getting online in the first place. This is among the main findings in my latest report, “The digital divide: who surfs the web in Denmark?”, published today.

In this way I find interesting nuances to “the digital divide”-discussion. The digital divide does not blindly follow existing socio-economic structures in society. Most of labour-market peripherals are perfectly able surfers, with no indications of falling into IT illiteracy. Judged from their surfing abilities, they have the computer skills starting in job the day tomorrow, should a job occur.

However the surfing habits of the unemployed who does surf, is following different patterns than the surfing habits of those in work: they kill time. In terms of time spend, their hugely overrepresented on social networking sites (most prominently Facebook) and gaming. Whereas their significantly underrepresented on news-sites and on the various databases of the internet.

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“The digital divide: who surfs the web in Denmark?” 13 pages, 5 illustrations.

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