Youtube brought to standstill in Denmark

  • Jon Lund 

Some two weeks ago, on May 17, 2010, Youtube announced on their blog, that it now “exceeds over two billion views a day” – a doubling in less than a year.

Looking at figures for Denmark however, gives  you quiet a different picture: Youtube has been brought to a near complete standstill. That’s one of the main findings in my latest report “Online video consumption in Denmark – Youtube, DR and TV”. Here’s the key graph:

I also looked into to which extend youtube videos are actually viewed outside itself, embedded on thirdparty-sites. From what’s available of data, it looks like only 1/2 a per cent of views are conducted on social media networking sites,, and A group of sites which should be expected to be among the leading thirdparty-distribution channels.

As for the Danish market, I did find Youtube to be as clear a market leader as anywhere else on the globe, more than 30 times larger than the largest Danish TV broadcaster, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation DR (a station which live-streams its channels on the Internet as well as through cable, satelite etc.).

Download full report

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“Online video consumption in Denmark – Youtube, DR and TV” 14 pages, 7 illustrations.

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