50+, high-incomes leads Danish travel revolution

  • Jon Lund 

More than 600.000 Danes surfs for travels during a single month. They account for almost all sales in the leisure category, and a quarter of all tickets sold in professional segments.

You’ll find all kind of Danes out there searching for travels. But the ones most addicted are the +50 years olds, the high-income groups and – surprisingly – those from the uppermost nothern part of Denmark – Nordjylland.

These are among the key results, when I dug into activity on the internet in November ’09. Results published in the report “Traveling in Denmark – lessons learned from the  online traveling industry” (want a copy? Purchase one below).

I also found websites of traditional airline companies to take the lions share of trafic leaving package tour organizers behind. And within the airlines-websites, SAS comes out number one, followed by Norwegian with Cimber lagging far behind.

The travel industry is extremely interesting, I think. Why? Because it was among the industries most profoundly affected, as the waves of e-commerce started washing the shores of Danish retailers. What once was an art of knowing, picking and coordinating departure-times, available rooms and the right rental-cars allotted only to few chosen specialists, was, in less than ten years time, turned upside down and emulated into a do-it-yourself paradigm, generating savings and leading to an ever-increasing focus on costs.

As consumers were armored up with new weapons of searching, comparing and buying online, also the value-chains internal to the industry was re-forged. The once strict command-lines guiding the flow of data about availability of this or that hotel or this or that departure to end-consumers imploded, bypassing the middle-men, leaving smooth, effective and automatic processes in their place.

This increased transparency in turn ruthlessly exposed those not producing at minimum costs, leading the way for low cost carriers, investigating all possible ways to reduce costs, lowering the quality and turning integrated services into ancillary revenue-generators.

And now we have the results. The industry is transformed, completely e-commercialized.

Download full report

Send, download and print. Price: 345 ddk/€45,50 (ex. VAT)

“Traveling in Denmark – lessons learned from the  online traveling industry”. 14 pages, 6 illustrations.

To order the report, send an email to jon@jon-lund.com including your contact information with subject: “Buy Jon Lunds Traveling in Denmark”, and you’ll receice both the report as pdf-file and an invoice.