Jon Lund

Jon Lund is a contributing analyst and commentator at Danish daily Politiken, is chairman of the board at Danish Online News Association and has held honorary positions as member of the board of IAB Europe, member of the Danish Ministry of Cultures advertising forum, member of the board of directors of the Forum of the Danish Media, member of ICC Denmark’s marketing committee. He holds a masters degree in Political Science from University of Aarhus and has worked with internet since starting his own agency in 1995.

149 minutter til Oslo

  • Jon Lund 

Ugens links: Udskift dig selv, bid for bid, hos engelske Channel 4. Skyd med ulovlige 3D-magasiner på Youtube. Tag toget til Oslo. Og læs om Googles salomoniske avis-trick. Her er ugens links, nænsomt indsamlet. Menneske/maskine… Læs mere »149 minutter til Oslo

3D-print fra gulv til loft

  • Jon Lund 

Ugens links: Et labyrintisk museum, udskrevet på 3D-printer, live-reportage fra  HMV-fyring pr corporate Twitter-account, knogle-båret lyd i brillerne og Nordkoreanske fangelejre på Google Maps. Det er emnerne for denne uges håndplukkede nethistorier. Googl fangelejr Indtil… Læs mere »3D-print fra gulv til loft