I go live at seven

  • Jon Lund 

Tomorrow’s officially the day when I go live with this, my New Media Trends-weblog. More precisely at 07.00 in the morning, danish time. (At least that’s what the FDIM press release says) Se you there:-)

Best of all worlds

  • Jon Lund 

Behavioral targeting promises, according to Advertising.com CEO Scott Ferber, the best of all worlds: online advertising that gives more relevant ads to consumers, more precision in targeting and better prices to advertisers – and more… Læs mere »Best of all worlds

Skype in, Kristiansen!

  • Jon Lund 

Michael Kristiansen, newly departed top media advisor and right hand man for danish PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen, faces serious criticism for exorbitant telephone bills sent on to taxpayers. Private phone calls to the Czech Republic… Læs mere »Skype in, Kristiansen!

Katrina unreality

  • Jon Lund 

The scenes taking place in New Orleans the aftermath of hurricane Katrina – robbing, stealing, police powerless, dead corpes floating in the water no sanitary systems working etc. – are completely unreal. Reminds me most… Læs mere »Katrina unreality